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1. Mid-term evaluation of the human capital and mobility programme / D. Thomas ...[et. al] ; European Commission Monografia Publication Luxembourg : European Commission, 1994 Description 79 p. ; 30 cm LocationBiblioteca da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Availability Available (1).
2. The human capital and mobility (HCM) and the training and mobility of researchers (TMR) / D. Thomas ...[et. al] ; European Commission Monografia Publication Luxembourg : Office for Official Publications of the Euroepan Communities, 1997 Description xxxvi, 47 p. ; 30 cm LocationBiblioteca da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Availability Available (1).
3. UV-index for the public : a guide for publication and interpretation of solar UV index forecasts for the public prepared by the Working Group 4 of the COST-713 Action 'UBV Forecasting' / Karel Vanicek, Thomas Frei, Zenobia Litynska, Alois Schmalwieser Monografia Publication Luxembourg : Office for Official Publicaitons of the European Communities, 2000 Description 27 p. : il. ; 21 cm LocationBiblioteca da Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia Availability Available (1).